When Is Custom Software Better Than Off The Shelf Solutions?
When Is Custom Software Better Than Off The Shelf Solutions?

Improving processes, increasing productivity and saving costs are three key aims of any competitive company. Should you hire a custom software development service for meeting these goals? Learn here how to take your business to another level.


As business begins to grow, it is natural to think about how to improve processes, boost productivity and increase profits. In every aspect of this, technological development plays a key role, so it is not surprising that technology managers have to decide what is best for their business: pre-existing software (Off-the-Shelf, Out-of-the-box or Tailor Made) or development of new custom software.


group of people sitting near round brown wooden table


This can be a difficult question to answer, so here you have key features that distinguish both types of developments, as well as some reasons to consider investing in customer-centric customized solutions, to help you achieve the client’s objectives.


One of the greatest changes that has taken the business world is the leading role of the client. So does software development, which went from a stage where companies were more willing to adapt to packaged services, to a stage where the customer becomes the central axis.

Lawrence Sinclair, CEO of East Agile, highlights that “Customised software development has always existed, but in recent times, with the technology improvement, we can truly meet clients’ needs. Today we are very focused on what they want and need, and we particularly care about satisfying their needs”.

This shift in the way we work also began to evolve when agile methodologies in software development emerged. “With the improvement of these methodologies, the image of the ‘passive client’ has gradually blurred in the process. Currently, the customer has more access and contact with the development team, which we guarantee that their priorities are being respected and faithfully executed at the right time”.

Now, to get an idea of the special features and therefore differences from both software alternatives, pay attention to the following:




  • Easily adapt to your specific needs
  • Work on specific problems and objectives
  • Usually requires greater investment, but the ROI is higher
  • It is flexible to the extent that is possible to make customizations, if necessary.
  • It is scalable. You start with a small development and grow with time in strength and complexity.
  • What the tool gives, the company has to adapt its processes
  • It works on general and common needs of different types of businesses.
  • Usually it’s cheaper but can end up being expensive when adjustments are made.
  • Its flexibility is limited (sometimes zero), slowing some degree of customization.
  • It can’t be easily integrated with other systems, impacting on efficacy.
  • It quickly becomes obsolete because of the speed in which industries evolves.


What is the problem you’re trying to solve? Is there any tool that can supply 100% of your needs? At what rate is expected your business to grow? There are many questions that surely you will have to answer to make the right decision; however, keep in mind that customised development solutions always means better return for your organization. But, why?


Why is it smart to hire tech partners with these services? Think about these 10 things that will definitely elevate your company in another level:

person playing magic cube

  • The development fits your business: if you are not willing to adapt to a special tool, it is best to hire custom development, which is designed according to your business and its uniqueness.
  • The cost-benefit relation is much higher: sometimes the cost associated with custom development is higher than if you buy a product already done; however, the benefits obtained in the medium and long term are much higher.
  • Easily adaptable to changes: if last minute changes occur, they can be done easily. With an out-of-the-box product, you will always be at the mercy of others so that the software is updated or improved.
  • Your company is part of the entire development process: from the first moment, you are in constant communication and contact with the software developer, who becomes your strategic ally and will ensure the best possible tools to reach your objectives.
  • You get what you want: every need you want to solve will be fully respected, making sure to get just what you need.
  • It is an asset to the company: you may license the development and even sell it. It is an important asset that will provide a significant added value.
  • It gives you a competitive advantage: it will help you to be more effective and stand out from the competition, while improving the company image and positioning in the industry.
  • Increases your productivity: designing an application considering specific needs, will give you an increase in the level of productivity and efficiency.
  • The software grows along with your company: Prefabricated solutions may be not enough to your business as it grows and make it perform inefficient manual processes. Because of its limitations, the out-of-the-box software could be an obstacle in the company’s rapid growth. With custom development, you make sure that the software will adjust to the changes.
  • It is safer: the vast majority of hacking – or attempts- comes from hackers who are constantly exploring the vulnerabilities of the most used software. The custom development, having limited target users, it is less attractive to make any threats.


A natural part of the business growth process is to analyze exactly what platform they want to run the business. Consider custom software development as an investment that, in relation to a prefabricated product, not only leads to greater productivity, but a greater return on investment, efficiency and profits for your business, which will result in a higher value-added front from your competition.

Although there are a variety of tools out-of-the-box market, you must understand that there aren’t solutions for every need. What each company needs is so unique that often requires developments that should be flexible for changes and that allow them to be adjusted according to the needs and, above all, the growth of your business.

Questions? Comments? Concerns? Contact us for more information. We’ll quickly get back to you with the information you need.


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