The analysis for Mask Network
MASK Today

Our SARIMAX(0, 1, 0) model predicts that the price of MASK will decrease to USD 4.22 by May 27, 2023.

This forecast is (+/-) USD 1.27 at the 95% confidence level and includes the outcome of no change in price.

Mask Network is the core product of Dimension, which is positioned to become the bridge that connects internet users from Web 2.0 to Web 3.0. The foundational technology of Mask Network is a peer-to-peer encrypted messaging application, with new functions continuously being created around this foundation. We at Mask Network are strong believers in the ownership economy. People should own what they produce, people should own their data, their attention and the virtual space they choose to contribute to. Mask Network integrates decentralized social messaging, borderless payment network, and decentralized file storage and sharing to provide a safe and convenient portal for users to jump right into the continent of decentralized finance and then the new world of Web 3.0.

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