The analysis for GeoCoin
GEO Today

Our SARIMAX(3, 1, 2) model predicts that the price of GEO will increase to USD 0.00082 by June 11, 2023.

This forecast is (+/-) USD 0.0003 at the 95% confidence level and includes the outcome of no change in price.

GeoCoin has created a real-world scavenger hunt rewarded with cryptocurrency. Users can drag and drop GEO on the map for other users to collect. Users are able to ‘mine’ GEO through a process referred to as Proof-of-Location (PoL). Simple login, turn on your smartphone GPS and navigate to the location of the nearest GEO. Once users get within 5 meters (15 feet) they will collect the GEO off the map. GeoCoin creates a fun blockchain gaming experience that rewards healthy lifestyles through promoting outdoor sports and recreation. GeoCoin is an ERC-20 token hosted on the Ubiq Network. First launched in January 2015 as a Proof-of-Work Qubit blockchain, GeoCoin migrated to the Ubiq Network in January 2018 and has continued to grow with the community. Users can head to the #geo channel in the Ubiq community Discord to get started.

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